
IT Outsource (ITO) IT solutions work for virtually any kind of industry. But we specialize in solutions for Automotive, Accounting and Education.


All software updates are performed on-time, at the same time for all employees resulting in reduced supplements since everyone is on the same version update and parts pricing. Businesses also experience a reduction in the cycle-time for each claims process. IT Outsource facilitates any “jammed” or sent transactions that mysteriously get lost in the shuffle.

Secure backups are done nightly off-site for all users and the shop’s data is secure from any “data-mining” operations. This also frees-up time spent by estimators normally spent doing IT work. Shops also now have the ability to use remote Desk-Audit personnel review estimates and final billing even from across the country in just minutes prior to uploading for payment.

All files are housed centrally; no “stand-alone” laptops or desktops with estimates on them, all files are accessible from a central repository. This means that other office staff can be tasked with assisting in administrative work leaving estimators free to write more estimates and follow up on existing work orders.

Businesses experience a predictable cost per month for IT Support – no salaries, sick days, vacations, or overtime pay for long projects running into the night. The life-cycle cost of each workstation is reduced significantly (double life cycle). The latest software runs as fast from older machines as with new P4 3Ghz computers. Also technician workstations can run programs using a Terminal with no moving parts or fans to draw contaminating dust into the computer. You’ll experience lower hardware replacement costs over the life-cycle of each computer. Shops no longer need network servers on site.

Remote access is provided by secure login for approved staff from a variety of locations: remote-wireless, remote from the body shop, remote at an internet café, remote from home computer, on-site but at a second satellite office, or remote while at a conference – using any computer with internet access.

Technical support time is greatly reduced as IT Outsource Techs capture callers “session” on the server and go “Live” with them in just seconds. Both the Tech and the Caller see exactly the same screen and are interactive. This reduces the time it takes to explain what problem was encountered – the tech sees it and begins solving issues rather than just translating what the caller is saying in real terms.

New opportunities now exist for Online Training using the Actual estimating, management or accounting software being trained. IT Outsource works with existing IT Departments and staff to help shop’s local IT Staff be more productive. This improves response time for repairs to software “glitches”.


IT Outsource is an Enterprise provider for QuickBooks accounting packages. This service is provided for CPA's as well as primary businesses in various markets.

There are no setup fees, and no disconnection fees. Only one simple monthly cost per user. No charges are made each month for access by outside specialists or accountants, not on the payroll of the primary company.

IT Outsource provides support for all other major accounting packages as well. If you have a question regarding your specific software, contact us to verify it's compatibility in a Cloud Computing environment.

Many of our clients have accountants who are out of state or the local region and they have immediate and full-time access to the companies' books to complete their transactions and accounting functions for the primary businesses they work for.


With IT Outsource you may never have to upgrade your computers again. All you need is a computer with internet access and you will be able to connect to your company’s software running live on our servers. This means that you can access your applications anywhere in the world that has the Internet, and it means no more downtime when your server is down. Let IT Outsource take care of all your computer needs and be able to focus 100% on what it is that keeps you in business.

IT Outsource hosts industry-specific software on their servers giving campuses, trainers and students local and remote access to all of their work. This includes fully operational software, not merely tutorials that give illusions of how the program is really used.

Trainers now have the ability to offer online training with local and remote access to the software being trained. Students can access their work started in-class within campus computer labs, and complete it online from any computer with Internet access.

Rather than providing limited-function CD’s or unlicensed copies of the software being trained, trainers can now provide secure, internet access to the software used without volatile corporate data within. This can help minimize the “fear factor” experienced by many trainers and students learning new corporate software from company workstations running “live, volatile” company data.

Trainers can also view all student work files created during online and in-class training sessions since they are being created and completed in the same program files. This provides a near perfect environment for trainers, educators, and students to learn complex software applications without over-burdening individuals in the process.

Practically any program that can run in a Windows Network can run in this environment. For training divisions that share computer systems with their parent company, with volatile, sensitive, corporate and customer files are used daily, none of the training applications branch into the corporate file structures. Only the computers’ Internet access and network printer are used during training.

Most major software licensor’s provide substantial discounts for their software when it is designated for educational purposes. If a licensed corporate-user is to offer training in a specific software, it is likely that the software company can provide additional licenses for training purposes only in this training mode.

Corporations and educational facilities no longer have to purchase and maintain massive clusters of servers to provide training programs to their constituencies. All that is needed is any internet enabled device in order to access the software applications being trained.

Hundreds of thousands of dollars can be saved each year by transitioning to this innovative way of delivering online training. IT Outsource enables trainers to train and students to learn whatever they want to learn, from wherever they are, whenever they want to, and essentially on computers that need only be powerful enough to connect to the Internet.

We provide this online training support for over 250 students and educators each year.